Jamie MacAlister co-founded Kingdom Business Pioneers to combine the results of his research on "Pioneering Leadership" and risk-taking (ref "Risky Strategy" - Bloomsbury 2016), with his experience as an Ashridge-accredited executive coach and facilitator.  Jamie has been involved in a number of start-up ventures in consultancy, professional education, technology and social enterprise, both in Europe and Africa, while also helping to develop the Christian Fellowship at PwC.  After coming to faith in Switzerland in 1989, Jamie has felt called to see God's kingdom come in business - Kingdom Business Pioneers is the latest expression of that calling.

David Steinegger is actively involved in a number of international businesses, start ups, NGOs and Christian faith based organisations, and engaged in a variety of ways which include Chairman, Director, Advisor and Mentor roles. He is passionate about people, making a difference in others lives and helping individuals and organisations to reach their potential. He sees enormous opportunities for entrepreneurial individuals to flourish and have a significant impact in communities and beyond, and sees the Kingdom Pioneers forum as a catalyst to encourage Christians in this direction.

Blonay Limited is registered in England and Wales under company number 04548122 at Blonay House, 6c Briarwood End, Highwoods, Colchester, Essex, CO4 9SE.
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